February 26, 2009

BunLov, that rump of yours is white as a ghost. You needs a tanning salon appointment ASAP.

Bumpity Bumps

Bump 1: Boyfriend Bump
Bump 2: Red Pillow Bump

February 22, 2009

You're a strange one Mr. Rabbit

Bun, I give you succulent stalks of parsley and you prefer to eat your paw. You're officially a weirdo.

February 16, 2009

No Mores

The face I got after snapping the twentieth picture of him. I have to get a good shot Bun! Be patient.

February 12, 2009


Bun, I'm sorry to tell you that you are a boy bun. Poses like this are unacceptable. Pushing the bosom out, looking seductively at the camera, danglely dainty little front paws, it's just not right. You need a lesson in machismo 101. I'll sign you up for the class next week.

February 9, 2009

Calico Bonehhhhhhs

Nothing completes a bunny home like a few of these adorable calico critters. Leave it to the Japanese to make toys way cuter than the actual animal. And yes, I have one framed...


February 8, 2009

Hammy's got it too


A few days of laziness have kept us away from bloggin'. We'll get back to...zzzzzzz

February 4, 2009

Progress on the Fur Front

Day 5 and BunLov took food out of my hand without ripp
ing it from me and running away. He ate the whole leaf of romaine without fear.

The " I wants no mores" face

Curious Ham Ham

This is the little face I see every day when I open the hamster cage. Squeezy, squeezy, mousey face.

Inter Species Lovin'

Today I introduced BunLov to Gerby. It was not a success 'cause after this first kiss, BunLov grunted and ran off. Hammy must have had cheesy breath or something.

Bunny Stylin'

When I brought BunLov home on the subway I got tons of compliments for my little carrier. It's from a company called teafco and the thing is too cool for words. The blue carrier complimented my pink and brown polkadot coat just right. BunLov rocked it like only a bunny can. Comes in some schweet colors:

Dwarf HamHam too

This is my dwarf hammy Gerby. She looks like a itty bitty bunny. I just wanna squeeze her widdle face.

February 3, 2009

Scardy Bunny

Took him 30 minutes to muster the courage to step out of his cage and onto the rug (not the bare floor, he doesn't touch it). He sniffed for exactly 10 seconds and hoped right back into the cage...

My new BunBun

This weekend I adopted my little houserabbit BunLov. He is a two pound 8 month old dwarf hotot mix. This is his blog.

Welcome to your new home bun, both virtual and real.